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Video: Best Practices for Accessing Leads
How do I search for a specific lead or contact?
What's an easy way to find a list of contacts with recent activity?
Can I set default columns (which columns are displayed) for Quick Searches?
How can I change the default number of records displayed on a Quick Search?
How can I set a default sort for lead lists and search results?
How do I set custom column settings for the lead list? ( How to use default columns every time you view all campaigns, or quick search.)
How do I sort a list?
How do I filter a list?
Why are dates not sorting properly?
Best Practices for Accessing Leads
How do I search for a specific lead or contact?
To easily find a lead or contact, use the Quick Search box on the top right of every page in Blitz. By default, the search will be based on name. To change the search criteria, select an option from the dropdown. Other options include Contact Name, Zip, Email, Phone, and Lead Id.
If you'd like to filter on a criteria not listed in the dropdown, or on more than one criteria, view the article on Filtering a List.
What's an easy way to find a list of contacts with recent activity?
Blitz has several "Quick Search" keywords that can be used to find certain types of contacts. Type one of the keywords below into the Quick Search box on the top right of your Blitz screen, then click the magnifying glass. You can even save the search results in your browser's favorites to find it easier next time.
- MyRecentHistory - Leads I recently added history to, sorted descending by last history date. This is helpful if you are looking for that lead you talked to 20 minutes ago.
- RecentHistory - Any leads with recent history, sorted descending by last history date.
- MyRecentlyCreated - Leads I recently added, sorted descending by created date.
- RecentlyCreated - All recently added leads, sorted descending by created date.
- MyRecentlyAssigned - Leads recently assigned to me, sorted descending by the assigned date.
- RecentlyAssigned - Leads recently assigned to me, sorted descending by the assigned date.
For more specific results, you can add any of the below values to the end of a keyword to filter for a specific lead type. For example, typing RecentHistory:W will give you recently updated web leads, instead of all recently updated leads.
Note: There are three separate options for each type, so choose just one of them as shown in the example above.
- :W or :Web or :Internet - Web Leads
- :L or :List or :Spreadsheet - List leads
- :M or :Manual or :Manually - Manually added leads
- :F or :Referral or :Ref - Referral leads
How can I change the default number of records displayed on a Quick Search?
- Go to Administration > Account Settings.
- In the the "Lead List Settings" box, select a number in the "Leads per page" dropdown.
How can I set a default sort for lead lists and search results?
- Go to Administration > Account Settings.
- In the the "Lead List Settings" box, adjust the settings for the "Lead List Default Sort."
How do I set custom column settings for the lead list? ( How to use default columns every time you view all campaigns, or quick search.)
- Go to Administration
- Click on Account Settings
- Under Lead List Settings navigate to the drop down box next to “Columns settings for Quick Search:”
- Select the folder that you have made the default column changes to.
- Click save at the bottom.
Now, when you do a search or view all folders you will only see those columns by default.
When viewing any list in Blitz (list of leads, report, list of appointments, history notes, etc.), click on the gray column header to sort by that column. Click it again to reverse the order.
- In a list view columns can be filtered by clicking the three dot icon next to the column name.
- It will open up a small window that will allow you to set your filters.
- Filtering drop down items, like sources, will have different looking sorting window.
Filtering Examples:
You wanted to filter out a certain lead source.
- Go to the list you want to sort and click the filtering icon shown in the steps above.
- Checkbox the source or sources you would like to see.
- Click the "Filter" button.
You wanted to Filter a date range.
- Go to the list that you wish to filter and click the filtering icon shown in the steps above.
- In the top text box, enter the date you want to start you search at.
- In the lower text box, enter the ending date. Then click the filter button.
Why are dates not sorting properly?
In order for Blitz to recognize numbers as a date, it must be set as a date field.
- Go to Administration > Folders & Settings, and click the hammer/wrench next to the folder that is not sorting properly.
- In the "Custom Column Types" tab, click the edit pencil next to the custom field that is not sorting properly.
- Click the check box in the dropdown column, then click the check on the right to save it.
- Try to sort again. If you are still having an issue, click below to submit a ticket. Please include in your ticket the folder name and which custom field is causing the issue.
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